Results for 'Ismet Enes Teber'

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  1.  43
    A Survey of Ethical Issues Experienced by Nurses Caring for Terminally Ill Elderly People.S. Patricia D. Enes & Kay de Vries - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (2):150-164.
    This study examined the ethical issues experienced by nurses working in a small group of elderly persons’ care settings in the UK, using a survey questionnaire previously used in other countries for examining the cultural aspects of ethical issues. However ‘culture’ relates not only to ethnicity but also the organizational culture in which care is delivered. Nurses working in elderly persons’ care settings described a range of issues faced when caring for elderly terminally ill people, which illustrated the different needs (...)
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    Determinants of contraceptive use and method choice in turkey.Ismet Koc - 2000 - Journal of Biosocial Science 32 (3):329-342.
    In this study, the determinants of contraceptive use and method choice are examined based on various variables, classified as individual, cultural, fertility and contextual. The data used came from the 1993 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey. The main finding is that there exists a positive association between the educational level of both spouses and the use of contraceptive methods in Turkey. After all individual, cultural, fertility and contextual variables are controlled, a woman's education is a stronger predictor of method use (...)
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  3.  24
    The Criticism of Some Evaluation and Assertion About Isrāʾīliyyāt in Tafsīr.Enes BÜYÜK - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):765-785.
    The traditions about isrāʾīliyyāt that were seen almost in all the types of Islamic sciences appeared in the sources of tafsīr from early periods. These traditions that were generally used to explain the Qurʾān were seen problem and critisized by some exegetical specialists. Even though corresponding to a relative later period in the classical era, an approach was tried to put forward in view of the traditions about isrāʾīliyyāt. This methodological concern for isrāʾīliyyāt in classical period has increased and been (...)
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    Defending perfectionism: Some comments on Quong’s liberalism without perfection.Enes Kulenovic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (1):35-46.
  5.  16
    Dinler Tarihi Açısından Gök Cisimleri Ve Tabiatla İlgili İnanış Ve Uygulamalar.İsmet Eşmeli - 2015 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (46):195-208.
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    The Perspectives of the Students on Turkish Language, Literature and Culture Studing Turkology in Europe: Sample of France Inalco.İsmet ÇETİN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:19-35.
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    Dilin kapısı: dil felsefesi üstüne bir deneme, 1981-1982.İsmet Zeki Eyuboğlu - 2000 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Pencere Yayınları.
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    Perception of gait patterns that deviate from normal and symmetric biped locomotion.Ismet Handžić & Kyle B. Reed - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Rasprava čovjeka sa životinjama.Enes Karić (ed.) - 2001 - Sarajevo: el-Kalem.
  10.  13
    Nouvelle-Calédonie, 150 ans de cohabitation fragile.Ismet Kurtovitch & Jean-Marc Regnault - 2002 - Hermes 32:163.
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    Modernization of integrated dayah educational system in darul mukhlisin burnijimet.Ismet Nur - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):333-347.
    The existence of Dayah as an Islamic educational institution in Central Aceh District has a major role in the development of diversity in community. Step by step, the educational institution is developing, both in quality and quantity. Departing from this reality, this paper uses a phenomenological approach, examines the modernization of Darul Mukhlisin’s integrated Dayah educational system, which includes the Dayah education sub-systems. The modernization of the education system is characterized by changes in the aspects of objectives, Teungku and Santri (...)
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    Modernising the dayah.Ismet Nur - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):253-267.
    The Acehenese Islamic educational institution, dayah, has played a major role in institutionalisation of Islam among the Acehness. the development of diversity in community. As a traditional institution, the dayah system has developed and successfully translated principles of modernity through the establishment an integrated educational system. This article examines the modernization of Darul Mukhlisin in Central Aceh and its characteristic in modernising its educational system. The modernization of the education system is characterized by changes in the aspects of objectives, Teungku (...)
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  13. Homo Sapiens' in kendine mekan arayışı serüveni….Serol Teber - 1999 - Cogito 18:250-258.
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  14.  29
    Is Property the Principle of Freedom for Hegel?İsmet Tekerek - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    The Nature of the Science of Tafsīr in the Sharhs and Hāshiyahs Written on Anwār al-Tanzīl.Enes BÜYÜK - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1039-1058.
    There are two widely accepted definitions of ilm al-tafsīr in the hāshiyahs on Anwār al-Tanzīl. The most accepted ones are as follows: Tafsīr is the science that investigates the states of the word of Allah in terms of signifying the will of Allah. This definition mainly belongs to al-Taftāzānī in his hāshiyah on al-Kashshāf. Despite the objections directed to it, the definition was accepted in the later phases and there were not any detailed discussions on it. From this point of (...)
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  16.  3
    Samoubojstvo racionalnosti, racionalnost samoubojstva – Spinoza o samouništenju.Enes Dağ - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):137-158.
    This article examines the metaphysical and moral foundations of Spinoza’s account of suicide. Spinoza’s treatment of suicide is brought into question by his conatus doctrine, which posits the striving to preserve one’s own being as the very essence of existence. Accordingly, suicide, or the termination of life, as the destruction of one’s own being, represents the exhaustion of this striving. The analysis of the causes that lead to self-destruction has sparked significant debate in Spinoza’s literature, raising the question of whether (...)
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  17.  26
    Historicism and Radicalism on Liberal «Vintismo». Horta Municipality’s case.Maria Fernanda Enes - 2006 - Cultura:213-230.
    Na tentativa de tornar compreensível o processo vintista nas suas componentes ideológicas ao nível das estruturas orgânicas da Nação, analisamos um caso – o do município do Horta. Utilizando as categorias do liberalismo historicista, de matriz inglesa, e as do radicalismo libe­ral, de coloração racionalista à francesa, procuramos demonstrar como o liberalismo vintista se estabelece entre o balanceamento dos dois modelos. A teoria do municipalismo, levada a cabo por Alexandre Herculano, mais não faz do que elevar ao nível da conceptualização (...)
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  18.  22
    Philosophical Dialogue of the Religions, Instead of Clash of Civilizations, in the Process of Globalization, from an Islamic Perspective.Enes Karić - 2003 - In Peter Koslowski (ed.), Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 161--178.
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  19.  48
    Political Philosophy and Public Policy: Six Models.Enes Kulenovic - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (3).
  20.  9
    Linguagem e ser.José Enes - 1983 - [Lisbon, Portugal]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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  21.  13
    Sloboda, pluralizam i nacionalizam: politička teorija Isaiaha Berlina.Enes Kulenović - 2006 - Zagreb: Fakultet Političkih Znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
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  22.  19
    Neural evidence suggests phonological acceptability judgments reflect similarity, not constraint evaluation.Enes Avcu, Olivia Newman, Seppo P. Ahlfors & David W. Gow - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105322.
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  23.  49
    The cult of the Holy Christ of Miracles in Ponta Delgada – São Miguel.Maria Fernanda Enes - 2010 - Cultura:211-226.
    Pese embora o facto de se tratar de um culto cristológico, e nesse sentido fora do âmbito específico dos santos portugueses, a designação popular de “Santo Cristo dos Milagres”, pela sua natureza taumatúrgica e cariz vivencial, representa uma forma específica de devoção, expressa num culto bem tipificado e localizado no espaço português, fixado e difundido por uma notável iconografia.
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  24. Metamodernism: is it a new hype for "the post-postmodern syndrome"?Enes Kavak - 2022 - In Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu (ed.), Post-theories in literary and cultural studies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  25.  38
    Tafsir-Ta’wīl Distinction of Māturīdī and an Evaluation of Its Practical Value in Ta'wīlāt.Enes BÜYÜK - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):213-232.
    In the history of İslāmic thought, Māturīdī is a famous scholar both in the field of kalām and tafsir. Being approved by Māturīdī, the distinction of tafsir and ta’wīl, which makes possible to take the comments made about the verses into sistematic framework, is quite important. There is an important information both about content of the distinction approved by Māturīdī and the main reasons that necessiated this distinction in the introduction of Samarqandī’s Sharh at Ta’wīlāt. From this information, it is (...)
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  26.  14
    A Epistemologia da História das Ideias em José Esteves Pereira.Maria Fernanda Enes - 2017 - Cultura:411-420.
    A reflexão que apresento em homenagem ao historiador das Ideias, o filósofo José Esteves Pereira, procura relevar, pela via hermenêutica do seu pensamento epistémico desenvolvido desde os primeiros escritos na década de 1980 até à reflexão de 2016, os núcleos eidéticos que marcam o modo de fazer da História das ideias. Seguindo o seu discurso, procurei mostrar como nele a epistemologia se enquadra no domínio da History of Ideas, ultrapassando-a, nomeadamente no âmbito da multi e da transdisciplinaridade, bem como ao (...)
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  27.  18
    Glimpses into Byzantium: Its Philosophy and Arts.Elena Ene Drăghici-Vasilescu - 2021 - Oxford: Independent Publishing Network for Vasilescu, Oxford.
    Glimpses into Byzantium. Its Philosophy and Arts -/- This volume contains peer-reviewed articles published by the author either in hard-copy or in electronic format between 2019 and 2021. These focus on various aspects of Byzantine and Medieval culture. -/- It is not possible to upload an entire book here, but there are copies of it in libraries and it can also be bought from Amazon.
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  28. “Moral Awareness” as an Adequate Idea in Spinoza’s Ethics: Conscious or Conscience?Enes DAĞ - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1181-1196.
    As in classical Latin philosophical and theological texts, Spinoza did not make any semantic distinction between the concepts of conscientia and conscius, and used one interchangeably. But the concept of conscientia is used as an “inner voice” or “conscience” meaning “moral sensitivity” or “moral awareness” and expresses both rational and irrational processes in traditioanl philosophy. On the other hand, the concept of conscius is used in the sense of “consciousness” and expresses a mental or psychological reflexive activity based on rational (...)
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    Reporteri au ja väärikus.Ene Hion - 2012 - [Tallinn]: Tänapäev.
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  30. Metamodernism: is it a new hype for "the post-postmodern syndrome"?Enes Kavak - 2022 - In Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu (ed.), Post-theories in literary and cultural studies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    ‘Abdallāh al-Baṭṭāl: Between Truth and Myth.Enes Ensar Erbay & Mehmet Fatih Yalçin - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (64):45-72.
    ‘Abdallāh al-Baṭṭāl is an important commander who undertook important duties in the Islamic conquests of the Umayyads (41-132/661-750). It is understood that he achieved remarkable success in these missions against the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire, and this success led to him being mentioned as a hero in the chronicles. Aside from his historical personality, the fact that he is narrated based on the heroic tale is a critical component that strengthens the significance of the research subject. This article analyzes the (...)
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    Should Democracies Ban Hate Speech? Hate Speech Laws and Counterspeech.Enes Kulenović - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (4):511-532.
    The paper’s main goal is to compare laws banning hate speech with counterspeech as an effective method of curtailing hate speech. In the first part, the paper discussed three normative justifications for hate speech bans. Firstly, the line of argument developed by critical race theorists that assumes that hate speech leads to the direct harm and violation of individuals’ rights. Secondly, paper examines the Weimar model that rests on the assumption that hate speech can lead to indirect harm to members (...)
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  33. À porta do ser.José Enes - 1969 - Lisboa,: Difusão Dilsar.
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  34. Descriptions as Distinctions. George Spencer Brown's Calculus of Indications as a Basis for Mitterer's Non-dualistic Descriptions.P. Ene - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2):202-208.
    Context: Non-dualistic thinking is an alternative to realism and constructivism. Problem: In the absence of a distinct definition of the term “description,” the question comes up of what exactly can be included in non-dualistic descriptions, and in how far the definition of this term affects the relation between theory and empirical practice. Furthermore, this paper is concerned with the question of whether non-dualism and dualism differ in their implications. Method: I provide a wider semantic framework for the term “description” by (...)
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    George Spencer Brown's Calculus of Indications as a Basis for Mitterer's Non-dualistic Descriptions.Patricia Ene - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2).
  36. De paedagogiek als geesteswetenschap.Greta M. Thöenes - 1948 - 's-Gravenhage,: W. P. van Stockum.
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  37. Intuïtie en reflectie.Greta M. Thöenes - 1946 - 's-Gravenhage,: W.P. van Stockum.
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  38.  15
    Paul Tillich on History and Socialism.Elena Ene Draghici-Vasilescu - 2023 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 3 (2):1-8.
    Paul Tillich believes that the sacred and human history undergo a parallel development, which is ‘punctuated’ from time to time by the ‘breaking’ of the former within the latter during moments of special significance, kairoi; these become “centers” of human history. Such a ‘center’ must not be comprehended either in terms of quantity, or as a midpoint between past and future, or as a particular moment, but as something that makes coherent the manifestation of the Kingdom of God within the (...)
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  39.  11
    Pressupostos linguísticos do conhecimento ontológico da identidade em São Tomás.José Enes - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1/4):315 - 339.
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    Al'üddîn Ebû Bekr el-K's'nî’nin el-Mu‘temed mine’l-mu‘tekad Adlı Akaid Ris'lesi.Enes Durmuş & Muhammed Osman Doğan - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):499-562.
    This article covers the critical edition, translation and analysis of the epistle on creed, al- Muʿtamad min al-muʿtaqad, written by the famous Hanafī jurist ʿAlāʾ al-dīn Abū Bakr b. Masʿūd al-Kāsānī. In his work, which can be evaluated in the literature of creed, al-Kāsānī explains the basics of Hanafī-Māturīdī belief in a brief and concise manner without any discussion. This study consists of three main parts: examination, critical edition and translation. In the examination part of the study, the life of (...)
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    Positive Psychological Impacts of Cooking During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period: A Qualitative Study.Ozan Güler & Murat İsmet Haseki - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aims to explore the positive psychological effects of culinary experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown days. Qualitative research methods adopted to provide a deeper understanding. Data was collected through a structured online survey from 30 participants in Turkey. This occurred between April 10th and June 3rd, 2020 when the strict confinement measures were applied. Content analysis was deductively applied according to the Stebbins’s Theory of Casual vs. Serious Leisure which classifies the well-being according to characteristics of leisure experiences. The (...)
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  42.  23
    Estrategia metodológica para capacitar al tutor de la Vanguardia Mario Muñoz. Una experiencia camagüeyana.Ismet Batista Hernández, Sonia Socarrás Sánchez & Alberto Bujardón Mendoza - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):317-336.
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  43.  12
    İbn Hiş'm'ın Arap Grameri Açısından Sorunlu Gibi Gözüken Kur''n Kıraatlerine Yaptığı Dilsel Yorumlar.Enes Erdi̇m - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):309-309.
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  44.  22
    Solution of the comparator theory of associative learning.Stefano Ghirlanda & Ismet Ibadullayev - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (2):242-259.
  45.  44
    Perception of gait patterns that deviate from normal and symmetric biped locomotion.Ismet Handžić & Kyle B. Reed - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  46. Deliverance, Hrot, and Felvidek [Czechia].Čeněk Pýcha & Martin Váňa - 2025 - In Michal Mochocki, Paweł Schreiber, Jakub Majewski & Yaraslau I. Kot (eds.), Central and Eastern European histories and heritages in video games. New York: Routledge.
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  47.  43
    The ‘Gospel of Freedom’ or a Letter of Warning? The Use of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians in the Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2019 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 3:109-128.
    Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, read on important Christian feasts, can be commented on from various perspectives: as a documents about mission, about warning with regard to the difficulties concerning the life of a believer, as one about the differences between Jews and Christians, or/and as one about freedom. It seems to us that within this text the Apostle intended to emphasize especially the latest aspect. St. John Chrysostom considered this document so important that he included it in his Liturgy.
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  48.  21
    Personality and Politics: Nehcü’s-Sülûk fî Siyaseti’l-Mülûk as an Example of Leader Centrality in Islamic Political Thought.Selin ŞAHİN & Enes ŞAHİN - 2022 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 17 (2):237-259.
    One of the levels of analysis used in Political Science studies is the individual. Analyzes at the individual level are carried out based on the personality of the political decision-makers, and in this direction, the individual characteristics of the decision-makers are the main factor taken into account in interpreting the quality of politics. This is also valid in the political books that constitute the main source of Islamic political thought. There is a leader-centered political narrative in the policy books written (...)
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  49.  26
    Kur’an Çevirilerinde Akıbet Lamı.Avnullah Enes Ateş - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):177-205.
    Letters, one of the types of words in the Arabic language, are used as a complementary element in the sentence. The meanings they have appear with the noun or verb they are used in. It is important which letter means what and what kind of meaning it reveals where it is used. Because the letters can have more than one meaning and this may differ depending on the verb or name used. Cer letters are also among the letters with the (...)
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  50.  21
    Bir Eser, Üç Yazar: Hamdullah Hamdi, Nazan Bekiroğlu ve Nazım Hikmet'in Kaleminden Yusuf u Züleyha.Enes İlhan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1031-1031.
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